Reading Time: < 1 minute Since the beginning of film, movies have always been made about real life events – based on a true story, but not anymore. With App, I’d write a scene and then we’d film it, but something started happening in my personal life during the meantime: what was written on paper […]

The Devil and His Demons Put Everything in Reverse
Reading Time: < 3 minutes If you need proof that the devil and his demons exist, here are some examples as they put everything in reverse: Abortion The opposite of life. Hate of the child, not love. “We” are important, not the child. Animal Rights The belief that animals are above humans, the opposite of […]

Pornography Addiction Part 1 – Giving Demons What They’ve Always Wanted
Reading Time: < 2 minutes [caption id="attachment_8291" align="alignright" width="335"] “Joshua Brace” [played by Aaron Kessler][/caption] Lucifer and a third of the Angels in Heaven (now called demons) rebelled against God because they wanted one thing: power. More specifically, God’s power, and they wanted to take it away from him. In return for their arrogance (and […]

Paranormal Activity: An Apparition Behind Me While I’m Driving
Reading Time: < 1 minute If people knew how many (demonic) spirits are in our midst, they wouldn’t fear them. Yes, they are that common. I was driving back from work one day when I felt something behind me. I had the urge to rub the back of my neck as if I was trying […]