Rick Gilbreath

Rick Gilbreath

Reading Time: < 1 minute A note from the director: Rick has been an invaluable asset to the production of the movie. both in front and behind the camera. I would recommend him to anyone. He’s been with us since the beginning filming several scenes, and was always up to the task of providing the […]

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Richard Feller

Richard Feller

Reading Time: < 1 minute Image above: a still of Richard in the movie.” On one of the trips to Colorado for the production of “Apparition,” Richard↗ and Frederick↗ and I stopped by a motel and recorded this video:    

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Amy R. Pilling

Amy R. Pilling

Reading Time: < 2 minutes A personal message from the director: Amy was a natural. I didn’t get a chance to coach her for her character due to time limits, but it turned out that she didn’t need any. She was a real blessing. One of the first scenes that we filmed was in Oakland, […]

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Karla Wiese

Karla Wiese

Reading Time: < 1 minute A message from the Director: All of us at LF are looking forward to working with Karla and seeing her acting capability unfold in front of the camera. We did a table read with her and I believe she’s going to do a great job with her character. Thank you, […]

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Joshua Brunken

Joshua Brunken

Reading Time: < 1 minute A personal message from the director: Joshua has been a valuable asset to Leesley Films and the movie since the beginning, we’re very fortunate to have him on the production team. Thank you, Joshua         Image: Joshua in one of the scenes he’s in. Go to Joshua’s […]

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