Reading Time: < 2 minutes
A personal message from the director:
Amy was a natural. I didn’t get a chance to coach her for her character due to time limits, but it turned out that she didn’t need any. She was a real blessing.
One of the first scenes that we filmed was in Oakland, Iowa, and it was a big one. We had to close the street down for 10 hours with 25 people and a lot of equipment to use.
I called the sheriff’s office prior to the day of filming and said we would be closing the street down in the small town. I was still worried, though.
We got everything set up. Kelly, Amy’s husband, got a lift for us to use for the camera and we were about to start filming, but all of the sudden, the police showed up. It was the worst thing that could happen and what I was worried about the most – that the sheriff’s office didn’t relay the information about us closing the street.
Kelly talked to the officer for a minute, and then he said “Okay,” and the officer drove off. Kelly then turned and said to us, “Okay, I’m done. I’ll be back.” I don’t believe Kelly knew what had just happened. I was worried about the police showing up, but God put Kelly right there to talk to them when they would.
I don’t know where Kelly went after that, he returned shortly thereafter, but his words “I’m done,” really surprised me. He meant he was done setting the lift up for us, but that wasn’t the case. Kelly’s actual job was to talk to the police – and God would make that officer know Kelly personally. That’s not all. I was down the street when it happened and God made sure I saw it.
It was unbelievable. For the rest of the day, I didn’t have any worries about us filming there.
How did the rest of the day go? We will remember it for the rest of our lives. Everything worked, everybody was great and enjoyed filming, and the final scene for the movie is amazing.
Since then, I’ve considered Kelly and Amy Pilling to be my second family. They’ve gone far and beyond to make sure this movie gets filmed, and because of them, we were able to film more scenes at four additional locations.
Picture on top of the page: Amy in the scene.
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Amy R. Pilling
Reading Time: < 2 minutes
A personal message from the director:
Amy was a natural. I didn’t get a chance to coach her for her character due to time limits, but it turned out that she didn’t need any. She was a real blessing.
One of the first scenes that we filmed was in Oakland, Iowa, and it was a big one. We had to close the street down for 10 hours with 25 people and a lot of equipment to use.
I called the sheriff’s office prior to the day of filming and said we would be closing the street down in the small town. I was still worried, though.
We got everything set up. Kelly, Amy’s husband, got a lift for us to use for the camera and we were about to start filming, but all of the sudden, the police showed up. It was the worst thing that could happen and what I was worried about the most – that the sheriff’s office didn’t relay the information about us closing the street.
Kelly talked to the officer for a minute, and then he said “Okay,” and the officer drove off. Kelly then turned and said to us, “Okay, I’m done. I’ll be back.” I don’t believe Kelly knew what had just happened. I was worried about the police showing up, but God put Kelly right there to talk to them when they would.
I don’t know where Kelly went after that, he returned shortly thereafter, but his words “I’m done,” really surprised me. He meant he was done setting the lift up for us, but that wasn’t the case. Kelly’s actual job was to talk to the police – and God would make that officer know Kelly personally. That’s not all. I was down the street when it happened and God made sure I saw it.
It was unbelievable. For the rest of the day, I didn’t have any worries about us filming there.
How did the rest of the day go? We will remember it for the rest of our lives. Everything worked, everybody was great and enjoyed filming, and the final scene for the movie is amazing.
Since then, I’ve considered Kelly and Amy Pilling to be my second family. They’ve gone far and beyond to make sure this movie gets filmed, and because of them, we were able to film more scenes at four additional locations.
Picture on top of the page: Amy in the scene.
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Go to Amy’s personal page ↗